Your dragonfish can remain the center of attention in your freshwater aquarium for a number of years with the right care. Dragon fishes eat algae, insects, insect larvae, small invertebrates, and plankton. Dragonfish are actually carnivores. Continue reading, you’ll learn how to care for them and how to choose yours.

Are Black Dragon Fish Poisonous?

The most iconic species of deep-sea dragonfish is probably the black dragonfish (Idiacanthus atlanticus). They are primarily found in the southern hemisphere at depths of up to 2 kilometers, far below the level at which sunlight can reach the ocean floor.

Black dragonfish possess light-generating photophore cells that run the length of their bodies, similar to much deep-sea fish. However, they don’t use it to entice prey as many other bioluminescent animal species do. In actuality, the light that black dragonfish emit is hardly visible and more akin to heat (infrared light).

What Other Dragonfish Species Are There?

We will never be able to see a deep-sea dragonfish at home because they can only be found in waters that are too deep and remote to keep in an aquarium. Are they the only dragonfish in existence, though? In fact, there are a few that are much closer to the surface. If you adore the way these creatures look, you may even want to take a look at a few aquarium dragonfish!

Blue Glaucus DragonFish

One of the most bizarre creatures you’ll ever see is the blue glaucus, also known as the sea swallow, sea moth, blue dragon, or blue angel. They are not even fish, nor are they dragons!

In actuality, the Blue glaucus is a type of pelagic, free-swimming nudibranch (sea slug)! The blue dragon hunts for siphonophores, venomous, jellyfish-like sea creatures, rather than scuttling along the ocean floor like a crab.

The colonial organism with a deadly sting known as the Portuguese man of war is one of their favorite meals. It’s interesting how the blue glaucus can not only avoid the stings from its meal but also use them to defend itself!

Look at the tendrils of blue that cover its body. The blue angel packs the nematocysts (defensive stinging cells) of the Portuguese man o war into them, where they can be triggered if a fish (or person) comes into contact with them. Having no shell and nowhere to hide in the open ocean, it is a very powerful defense that is ideal for sea swallows!

Dragon Violet Goby

These gobies stand out among the numerous fish species listed here as fish that resemble dragons. They resemble many creatures that live underwater, many of which have a prehistoric appearance. The Violet Goby, however, is not present in the open ocean. They are brackish water fish, which means they spend the majority of their time between freshwater rivers and the ocean.

The Dragon Goby can live in pure saltwater as well but they prefer brackish water to freshwater that has been lightly salted.

Even though the Dragon Goby is not particularly uncommon, it is not very common in pet stores. They tend to perform poorly in captivity if aquarists who purchase them are unaware of the fact that they do need some salt since they do.

dragon fish pet

But given a touch of aquarium salt or true brackish water for optimal health, the Dragon Goby can be a hardy and long-lived aquarium resident! Although they appear hostile, these dragonfish are actually calm and passive, feeding on brine shrimp, worms, and small fish.

Arowana Dragon Fish

Freshwater arowanas are the final dragonfish we’ll discuss today. Due to the fact that they resemble well-known East Asian mythological creatures, they are often referred to as “dragon fish,”, especially in Asia.

To begin with, these are imposingly large predatory fish with large head and mouth that has barbs that resemble whiskers. An Asian Arowana can easily reach a height of about 3 feet when fully grown. Because they are conventional good luck symbols, they are frequently added to Asian banks, restaurants, and other businesses.

Even an Arowana’s skin has a dragon-like appearance! Both the trailing tips of their fins and the large, armor-like scales are very distinctive. Additionally, the metallic undertone in the color of their skin and scales adds to their draconic appearance.

Having said that, you ought to give these dragonfish some thought before purchasing. Arowanas must be fed frequently throughout the day, and they consume a lot of food. Arowanas rarely take naps, so they also need a tank with plenty of swimming space and a volume of several hundred gallons.

Dragon Koi Fish

There are many different kinds of koi fish, including well-known varieties like the Kohaku and Taisho Sanke. You may not be aware, though, that there are also dragon koi fish.

These fish are also marketed as butterfly koi because of their long, trailing fins, which resemble both dragon and butterfly wings. So you can select whichever common name you like best!

However, dragon koi fish are neither predators nor nectar-feeders. As with any other koi, they instead eat algae, worms, soft plants, and other organic matter in their natural habitat of ponds.

The fin form is what determines whether or not they can be called dragons, so dragon koi fish can also come in any color variety! As a result, they are among the simpler freshwater dragonfish to locate!

What Do Black Dragon Fish Eat?

Observe the animal’s mouth’s numerous pointed teeth. Black dragonfish are predators that eat anything that is small enough to be subdued. However, they can often eat animals that are much larger than you’d think!

Many fish species use light to entice prey in the deep oceans. Although many dragonfish also do this, only the female of the black dragonfish has a photophore on a long chin barbel that she uses as a dangling lure for her own light.

Males not only lack a barbell that produces light, but they also lack a digestive system. The male black dragonfish’s only objective is to locate a female partner for mating.

dragon fish pet

For the purpose of swallowing prey that is close in size to themselves, many species of dragonfish can fully open their jaws 100&ordm. What happens though if their prey produces its own light? The now bloated and simple-to-capture deep-sea dragonfish might draw the attention of an even larger predator.

What is the Perfect Dragon Fish Aquarium?

Hardy fish like dragon fish prefer brackish water, which is frequently found at the mouths of rivers where they join the sea. They need an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons, adequate filtration, and an aragonite substrate because they will get quite big. If you plan to keep several dragon fish, aim for at least 25 gallons per fish and choose a long aquarium rather than a tall one because they require room to feel comfortable. Invest in a good heater and filter if you want to keep dragonfish in very clean water with consistent temperatures. Your dragon fish will remain healthy and happy with weekly 10 to 15% water changes.

How to Care Dragon Fish?

These fish are frequently very timid eaters, but once you get them accustomed to your tank and feeding schedule, they can be interesting fish for years.

Dragonfish Equipment & Maintenance:

Remember to give dragonfish plenty of clean, warm water to keep them healthy, and keep in mind that brackish water is better for them than fresh water.

You need a heater and a thermometer because the ideal temperature range for your dragonfish is between 77 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit (25 and 28 degrees Celsius). The temperature should be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.5 degrees Celsius). The fish become weaker as a result of extreme temperature swings or extended periods of especially warm or cold temperatures, which also causes them to lose their appetite and weaken their immune systems. Your dragonfish’s susceptibility to illnesses like Ick, which is easily treated, and more difficult conditions like fin and body rot, increases when their immune systems are compromised.

A minimum of 25 gallons (95 liters) of space should be provided in your dragonfish aquarium for each dragonfish, plus any additional space required for additional fish. If you are keeping a dragonfish, a fish tank with a minimum capacity of 50 gallons (190 liters) is advised. Also, a Dragonfish should be kept in a fish tank with a length of at least 4 feet (1.2 meters).

As sensitive fish, dragonfish require regular maintenance. Do your weekly 10-15% water changes to ensure that your dragonfish always have clean water and that any leftover food or waste that the filter hasn’t been able to handle is removed.

Your Dragonfish needs good filtration to keep the water from becoming toxic, and you need to keep the filter(s) well maintained. Remember to choose a filter that offers enough filtration for a tank with the large capacity your dragonfish needs when making your choice. To maintain a large tank like this, many people use numerous smaller filters. You can stage your filter maintenance by using multiple aquarium filters, avoiding having to replace all of your filter media at once and running the risk of restarting your fish tank’s cycling process.

Dragonfish Food & Care:

Dragonfish are primarily carnivorous scavengers, so provide them with a high-protein diet. Currently, there are a wide variety of high-quality processed fish foods on the market, and most frozen fish foods are also suitable.

It is best to try to replicate this in the aquarium environment since most dragonfish in the wild eat primarily aquatic invertebrates, insects, and insect larvae as well as opportunistically scavenge old carcasses. Offer a huge selection of frozen, processed, and freeze-dried foods.

dragon fish pet

Within two minutes of feeding, your fish should be able to consume all of the food you provide. If food is still present in the tank after this period of time has passed, the water quality will be poorer, which will increase the risk of disease in your dragonfish.

Your dragonfish only needs to be fed once per day. It is more crucial than ever to perform your weekly 10-15% water changes and all required filter maintenance because feeding your fish more frequently increases the amount of waste they produce and the risk of overfeeding.

Your dragonfish will live longer and have a stronger immune system if you give them a healthy diet.

Since dragonfish are typically very timid fish, giving them a lot of caves and plants to hide in will undoubtedly improve their health and increase their appetite. Also bear in mind that dragonfish are extremely erratic feeders, particularly right after transport and shipping.

It is likely that your dragonfish won’t eat for the first day or two after being brought home, but if this persists, try introducing them to your feeding routine using frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp. Wean them onto your more common and varied food once they are eating well.

You should be aware that these fish have poor eyesight and are frequently intimidated by other fish. It is very likely that any aggressive eaters you have in your tank will stop the dragonfish from eating. If this occurs, it is probably best to keep your dragonfish separate from the other fish in the tank with a divider or partition until the dragonfish is accustomed to the food and feeding schedule and is eating well. After this period of acclimation, if the bullying that kept the Dragonfish from eating in the first place persists, you should probably think about permanently separating the Dragonfish or the bullies.

Dragonfish Companionship:

Dragonfish can be kept with many different types of fish, but occasionally they will prey on small fish. As previously mentioned, dragonfish do not get along well with particularly aggressive fish.

Like all fish, dragonfish can be kept with other fish that have similar temperaments and care needs. The medium-sized brackish water fish will be your best option for a dragonfish companion.

How to Choose Your Dragonfish?

If you get your dragon gobi from a reputable pet store, they ought to be kept in brackish water already. Prior to bringing the fish home, be sure to inquire as to the type of water they are being kept in.

Because it’s simpler to maintain, fresh water is typically used for fish storage in stores like Walmart or large chain pet stores. These fish can adapt to fresh water well and can be moved from brackish to freshwater with some transition. However, the brackish water in which these fish are native tends to be much healthier.

Are Dragon Fish Aggressive?

Carnivores called “aggressive fish,” dragonfish are actually carnivores. Ironically, it’s these fish who are picked on. They are not at all hostile, preferring to remain hidden in the sand, behind rocks, and beneath vegetation.

Their teeth are very pointed. But in the wild, they make use of them to remove algae from the rocks around them. They do not employ them in fish-on-fish combat. These fish are scavengers and typically scoop up large mouthfuls of the substrate and sift through it for edible material, spitting out the substrate and eating the food. They can filter and expel sand thanks to the size of their gills.

dragon fish pet

How Do Big Dragonfish get?

In spite of its gruesome appearance, it is a small fish, measuring only about 6 inches (about 15 centimeters) in length. Dragonfish come in a variety of species.

What Do Dragon Fish Eat?

Dragon fishes eat algae, insects, insect larvae, small invertebrates, and plankton. What does it mean to be a dragonfish? The name “dragonfish” refers to the fish’s intimidating appearance, which is a result of its broad jaw, large head, and typically protruding teeth.

How Much Does a Dragon Fish Cost?

The modern rage is to breed novel color combinations. Like this fish, called the chili red, which you can get for around $1,400 each. Alternatively, there is the $12,000 per unit emerald violet fusion super red. But no fish is rare and more valuable than the albino.

FAQ About Dragon Fish

Is a Dragon Fish Real?

Black dragonfish appear to be from another planet or a nightmare. But if you could travel to the depths where they are found, you would find them to be very real and among the least strange things, you have ever seen.

Can You Have a Dragon Fish as a Pet?

For us to sustain deep-sea dragonfish for an extended period of time, their environment is far too extreme. You can add any of the freshwater dragon fish listed here as a pet to your tank, though. That is, as long as you can give them the aquarium size and water conditions they require!

Can Dragon Fish Bite?

The dragonfish is a small predator with jagged, needle-like teeth protruding from a jaw that can extend to bite into prey up to half its body size.

What Size Tank Does a Dragon Fish Need?

Can You Eat Dragon FISA minimum fish tank size of 50 gallons (190 liters) is recommended if you are keeping A fish tank that is at least 4 feet (1.2 meters) long required to house a dragonfish?

Can You Eat Dragon Fish?

As far as we are aware, no one has ever attempted to consume a deep-sea dragonfish. Therefore, we are unsure of their suitability for human consumption. Although edible freshwater dragonfish like the Arowana is so expensive that nobody would want to eat them! A high-quality Arowana can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars

In Conclusion About Dragon Fish

Some of the most interesting and diverse dragonfish you will ever see have taught us about their lives! Bear in mind that dragonfish are exquisite living things. A healthy environment and proper care must be provided by the pet owner for their animal companion. So long as you give your dragonfish room to roam, access to clean, warm, brackish water, a variety of hiding spots, and high-quality, diverse food, he should make a loyal pet.