Dogs will occasionally purr as well. This throaty, “brrr” sound is often called a “rumble” by trainers and usually signals happiness. Some pet owners describe it as snuffles or grumbles that sound piglike or Chewbacca-like. These canine noises typically sound like a combination of a gruff growl, a loud purr, and a low rumble. Continue reading, you will learn more about your dog’s purr.

Do Dogs Purr?

Actually, dogs don’t purr. The canine sound people confuse with purring is called “rumbling” and is deeper than the feline purr. It sounds more like a “burr” or a soft growl than a purr.

Why Does It Sound Like My Dog is Purring?

Sometimes when a dog is being petted, hugged, or anticipating a fun activity, it may make low growls or soft grunts sound. Experts have a name for this sound: rumbling. A dog’s rumbling is a toned-down variation of a regular growl, whereas a cat’s purr is not a characteristic of its vocal range.

Why Do Dogs Purr?

A dog’s purr can communicate several different emotions, such as:


Going for a walk

Dogs adore being outside and going for a walk always makes them happy. They can’t hide the low, purring growl of anticipation, even if they don’t make a sound.

Fun Fact: When they see me grabbing the keys and their leashes, my Chihuahua and Labrador get very excited. When he was anticipating and excited, my dog would circle me, and I always found that to be the funniest thing.

Seeing a loved one

Dogs are regarded as our closest and most devoted friends for a reason. They give of themselves and have an unwavering love for us. Because of this, they become overly excited when they see their owner or other loved ones approaching after being away. Our canine friends rumble or purr to express their excitement.


All dogs get excited when they see their favorite toy because it signals that it is time to play. Dogs typically have a difficult time controlling their excitement when it’s time to play and would make low rumbling noises in anticipation.

Seeing a treat

do dogs purr

Dogs are omnivorous, so if your pet observes you reaching for a snack, they will naturally assume that it is for them as well. When you were about to give them the treat, they would wait impatiently while making that sweet purring sound.


Threatening another dog or human

When dogs are unhappy or dislike someone or something, they make a sound that is similar to purring. They make a sound that is a little deeper than a regular rumble and has an aggressive tone. Bare teeth are frequently seen along with the sound they make.

Unwanted activity

Your dogs will never hesitate to tell you if they do not like something. Dogs can become uneasy when someone tries to take away their toy, when they encounter a stranger, and when they are touched by an injured body part. They communicate it with low growls.

Motherly instincts

As a matter of instinct, mother dogs guard their young and dislike having strangers approach them too closely. The mother dog will give a warning through deep grrr sounds if she detects any malice from anyone approaching her puppies.

Playful warnings

Dogs frequently make noises that resemble a mellowed-down version of their brawling noises when they play and interact with one another. A softer version that sounds like a cat purring is used in playful warnings.


Getting petted

Our canine companions are aware of the affection behind their owners’ petting them, and they take full advantage of this. They occasionally make a rumbling sound when being stroked, which is similar to the sound a cat makes in the same circumstance. This is probably the reason why the whimpering growl is mistaken for purring.


When a dog is purring in a video, it’s typically because its owner is hugging them. The reason for this is that they feel more at ease when they are holding their owner. Dogs, especially Rottweilers, frequently expressed their happiness by making low, loving growls that sound like purrs.

Grooming time

When you brush their fur, trim their nails, or clean them, you’d frequently hear your dog making a rumbling burr sound. As a token of appreciation for cleaning them, consider it. They frequently exhibit it by closing their eyes and grumbling softly.


Our furry friends also find massages to be calming, just as they are for us. When we would massage dogs, they would purr to let us know they enjoyed it and wanted us to keep going.


do dogs purr

Owner gone

Dogs can experience separation anxiety and don’t like to be left alone. A low growl, akin to a cat purring, will be made by the dog if the owner is not around.


Dogs tend to be anxious around strangers, which makes them good guard dogs. Your furry friend will take some time to warm up to the stranger, even if you invited them. The dog’s discomfort will be indicated by a persistent purring sound.


Anybody may be terrified by thunder and lightning. While we humans are aware of their purpose, dogs find it difficult to relax in the presence of loud noises. When this occurs, your frightened dog will rumble and attempt to scurry toward you.

Change of environment

Puppies and dogs need time to get used to their new environment when they are adopted into a permanent home. There should be some time for adjustment. The dog will express its fear and discomfort in the new environment by occasionally purring like a cat.


Playtime is over

A dog might become temporarily depressed upon returning home, leaving a fun location, or being separated from its friends. Your dog may purr and whine to express his displeasure.

Saying goodbye

Not much joy is experienced when saying goodbye to a playmate. Your animal friend might moan or purr to convey that, typically with drooping ears and tail.


Dogs are pack animals and are relaxed around people. They do not like being by themselves, and their sadness may be expressed through whimpers, rumblings, and low growls.

Being cooped up

Dogs don’t enjoy spending too much time inside. They might be grumbling at you to let them out. If your dog is acting in that way and hasn’t been outside recently, try taking him for a walk in the open air.

Health issues

Some health issues in dogs can result in excruciating pain. Dogs may growl in an effort to relieve some of their pain, even though they don’t show it. Dogs with tracheal collapse, for example, may have trouble breathing or make sounds like they’re trying to clear their throats, such as a low growl or purr.

do dogs purr

Why Does My Dog Purr When I Pet Him?

Dogs adore being petted, and they may express their gratitude by rumbling or making a deep purring sound. When being petted, your dog might rumble to let you know that he or she enjoys what you’re doing and wants you to keep doing it.

Do Dogs Purr When Their Owners Cuddle Or Hug Them?

When their owners show them, love, dogs do make a sound. It may sound like a purr, but it is actually called rumbling. When you hug or cuddle with your dogs, you might notice that they rumble. Your dog’s enjoyment of the activity and desire for you to continue is indicated by this sound.

Why Does My Dog Purr Like a Cat?

Canine body language and posture are just as important as sounds in communicating. Depending on the circumstances, how your dog is feeling, and what their body language indicates, the purring-like sound they are making could mean a number of different things.

What Can Dog Owners Do to Ease Anxiety?

If your pooch is suffering from anxiety, here’s what you can do to comfort them:

  • Don’t let them experience loneliness. If you must leave the house, drop your dog off at a dog daycare facility or turn on the TV or radio.
  • Dogs will need some time to adjust to a new environment. Being patient and extra loving and affectionate with them will help them become accustomed to their surroundings.
  • It’s important to train your dog if it is afraid of people. Introduce your regular visitors to them gradually so they become accustomed to them.
  • Bring your dog inside if there is lightning or a storm. Aim to give him a hug or hold him so he won’t feel scared or alone. Petting him will make him feel much better and let him know he is not alone.

Conclusion About Dog Spur

Dogs whimper but do not purr. In dogs, sneezes and coughs are frequently uncontrollable. Occasionally sneezing or coughing indicates that your dog may have inhaled something unpleasant. You might want to take your furry friends to the vet to get checked out, though, if this starts to happen frequently.