Use an expired inhaler only as a temporary solution if you require asthma medication to breathe and are in a hurry, until you can find a fresh one or get medical attention. A year after their expiration date, the majority of inhalers can still be used safely.

How Are Medicine Expiration Dates Determined?

If a medication is stored properly, its expiration date ensures that it will continue to work as intended. If used prior to the expiration date and stored properly, an inhaler will still be secure and reliable. Inhaler expiration dates are frequently printed on the box or foil packaging. On the inhaler canister, a secondary expiration date is frequently imprinted. Call your pharmacist and find out when your most recent prescription was filled if you can’t find the expiration date on the label. This inhaler is no longer effective if it has been more than a year.

Some customers believe that manufacturers of pharmaceuticals use expiration dates as a marketing gimmick to encourage customers to purchase more of their products. Contrary to popular belief, drug producers are required to specify a window of time during which their products are most effective for the protection of consumers. Each year, thousands of pounds of unneeded medication must be disposed of. If dates were arbitrarily set, drug manufacturers could extend them and save insurance companies, pharmacies, clients, and even themselves millions of dollars every year.

Pharmaceutical companies make a sincere effort to offer a product that works by including expiration dates. The chemical elements contained in medicines start to change the moment they are produced. These substances may degrade and eventually disappear over time. In a perfect world, businesses would have the time to test the safety and efficacy of medicines over a period of years. The time it takes for medicines to reach the market would be significantly extended, though.

To establish expiration dates, companies stress test their pharmaceuticals. To achieve this, they put the medication through typical scenarios in a hurried timeframe. The heat, humidity, and light are all tested. The length of time that the compounds remain stable is investigated as medicines go through these tests. Additionally, the companies examine whether the body can continue to properly absorb the medications after going through these situations.

How Long Does It Take for Albuterol Sulfate Inhalers to Expire?

A year after being issued, the majority of inhalers expire. The manufacturer does not warrant that the medication will be secure or functional after that time. Depending on how they are stored, medicines break down at varying rates.

Use an expired inhaler only as a temporary solution, or until you can find an unexpired one or get medical attention, if you need to take asthma medication immediately to breathe.

A year after their expiration date, the majority of inhalers can still be used safely. The inhalers’ storage practices during that year, however, have a significant impact. In purses or backpacks, people frequently carry inhalers. This could indicate that they are subject to more changes in humidity or temperature. To be safe, throw away an expired inhaler and ask your doctor or pharmacy for a new one. After all, using outdated medication when it comes to breathing is dangerous.

can you use expired inhaler

What Are the Possible Effects of Using Expired Inhaler?

The main danger of using an expired albuterol sulfate inhaler is that it might not be as effective at controlling asthma symptoms as a fresh inhaler.

For instance, if someone uses an expired inhaler to treat an asthma attack, they might discover that the medication is less effective than it should be. This happens as a result of the active ingredients’ gradual degradation.

While the medication’s efficacy declines with time, inhalers are typically safe to use after they’ve expired and are unlikely to present any additional health risks.

Is It Dangerous to Use Expired Inhalers?

Inhalers are typically safe after the expiration date, which is one year after it was issued, but they will likely be less effective. All expired inhalers are included in this, including Symbicort (budesonide and formoterol) and expired albuterol (Proair HFA, Ventolin HFA, and Proventil HFA). Even though using an expired inhaler is unlikely to result in any other health issues, the loss of efficacy could be dangerous if you’re experiencing a severe asthma attack.

In the end, it’s best to refrain from using an expired inhaler. Nevertheless, if you’re having an asthma attack and the only thing in your possession is an expired inhaler, try using it. Then, as soon as you can, go buy a new one. “An expired inhaler is probably going to be fine in an emergency, but don’t make a habit of it,” advises Family physician Rachel Trippett, MD, of the U.S. Indian Hospital run by the Public Health Service in New Mexico.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to inventory all of your available inhalers and make note of their expiration dates at home, the office, or your child’s school. In order to remember to replace your inhaler before the expiration date moving forward, it might be useful to add a reminder to your calendar each time you get a new one.

What Are the Tips for Proper Storage?

The expiration date of an inhaler accounts for typical use and storage. The wide range of environmental changes that these medications could encounter throughout their lifetime is estimated by the manufacturers. Heat, light, and humidity exposure are a few of these variables. The more frequently an inhaler is exposed to these elements, the more quickly the medication may deteriorate.

The following suggestions can assist in extending an inhaler’s shelf life and maintaining the medicine’s potency for as long as possible. In spite of the fact that these suggestions won’t make the medicine last longer after its expiration date, they might make it safer to use in the future.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

can you use expired inhaler

The recommended range for storage temperatures is 59 to 86 °F (15 to 30 °C). Consult your pharmacist if you leave your medication in the car and the outside temperature drops or rises below 59°F (15°C). It might not be a problem the first time, but the longer the inhaler is exposed to these high temperatures, the sooner it might start to deteriorate.

Store It Securely

Always replace the inhaler’s protective cap after using it. The canister risk damage if the cap is removed.


The majority of inhalers have a one-year shelf life after purchase, and many may continue to function for an additional year. The way the inhalers are stored has a big impact. Inhalers can be pricey, so it’s crucial to store and protect them properly to ensure a long lifespan. If in doubt, throw away your inhaler and get a new one. You won’t run the risk of not getting the treatment when you do.

Protect the Canister

Since the canister is under pressure, a hole could cause it to burst. Keep an inhaler in a smaller, padded bag if you’re carrying it in your purse or backpack to keep it safe.

Safe Disposal of Unused Medication

There is no standard disposal advice for inhalers. As the canisters are frequently pressurized and will explode if burned, drug take-back programs may not accept inhalers. Read the manufacturer’s instructions before throwing your inhaler in the trash. They might offer advice on how to dispose of the device properly. If the directions are unclear, ask your pharmacist or the neighborhood waste management office for clarification. The inhaler might need to be recycled, brought back to a pharmacy, or thrown away.

How to Get Rid of Expired Inhalers?

It’s crucial to keep in mind that expired inhalers are technically regarded as hazardous waste when it comes time to dispose of them. Inhalers shouldn’t be disposed of with regular trash because they can explode when pierced or burned, which is likely to occur during trash collection.

So, how does one go away? First, check the canister to see if it includes any specific disposal instructions. If not, you can check with a nearby pharmacy to see if it collects inhalers or you can drop it off yourself at a hazardous waste facility; you might want to wait and gather a few inhalers to discard at the same time. The plastic casing can sometimes be disposed of with your recycling. Be sure to check for the lowest price when it comes time to replace your used or expired inhalers.

Takeaway About Using Expired Inhaler

An expired inhaler may still be used, yes. An inhaler is believed to be most effective for at least a year after the printed expiration date, according to the evidence. However, this is dependent on a number of variables, including the storage conditions.

Inhalers should be kept in the recommended manner by the manufacturer. Inhalers should also be replaced once their expiration dates have passed. Asthma complications and symptoms are less likely as a result.